Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone
Travel Blog
August 2019
Travel has a way of molding, melting, twisting, and shaping our souls. When we least expect it, and despite our feeble attempts at keeping life predictable or seemingly safe, we are thrust into new, uncontrolled situations. If we are open to them, there is a purification that can arise, allowing our inner light to shine. However, this is if we can first learn to trust. Not just any kind of trust but the trust that comes right after experiencing something that you thought might kill you and instead of retreating, you push on and take more steps into the “scary unknown”.
Travel has always been alchemy for my soul, allowing growth and connectivity in ways that could not have happened, had I stayed in the comforts of my original home. “You’re just a Chico baby and will never leave this town.” Powerful words directed at me when I was a small child by a well intending grandfather. However, the “damage” was done, the challenge accepted, and in my attempts to prove him wrong, I began my quest. Traveling to over 36 countries, I felt inspired and alive on a deeper level than I thought possible.